22 Feb 2021

Micro-learning miniblog series

Part Three

Interview with Gavin Nelson, founder of MicroGo & EdApp partner

Welcome to Part Three of our micro-learning miniblog series!

We had the amazing opportunity to sit down with Gavin Nelson from MicroGo and have a chat about his journey with micro-learning. What we learned inspired us to share the important discussion points from our conversation as bite-sized blog entries, which we’ll be sharing on the Pico Creative blog.

Previously we talked about what the big advantages of microlearning are – read the entry here if you haven’t already!


Stay tuned for our final miniblog entry

As a service that has started gaining a lot more momentum in recent years, what are some of the biggest misconceptions people still have about LMS and micro-learning? 

The biggest misconception is that what we have now works just fine. This is an amazing new way to learn that is proved and is very, very different to traditional classroom or online learning, as in laptop/computer-based training. Obviously, everything has its place – face-to-face training is very powerful and will always be there. But, the blended training approach has been well-known for a long time. It is obviously well-researched that you need to learn in a number of different ways, so I think the biggest challenge here will be micro-learning becoming a mainstream form of training. Of course, the timing is incredible for this now, with mobile phones being ubiquitous, but also with Covid. And not just the fact that Covid has changed the way we work, but recognising that hybrid workplaces will be the way of the future. And so of course now there’s a huge demand for people to work outside an office, with massive benefits to people individually, and work-life balance, and not commuting for hours.

With so many possibilities and applications, which industries do you think could stand to really benefit from these micro-learning services? 

The learning education industry – anyone that’s providing training – is the first one. Any corporation that requires their people to be trained – which is really most organisations, specifically those that are working in a hybrid environment where people need different ways to access training. Organisations with a sales force that need continual product updating, and those in a technical capacity that need to understand a lot of specifics about the products and services that they work in. An interesting one is fitness and health – I experienced that with a physio who got me to do exercise on my mobile phone, which is fantastic. So I think there’s great application for gyms to tailor programs as a course with user management and profiles to put people into certain groups. Everyone likes to know that they’ve ticked something off their to-do list, and to know that you’ve actually got 100% completion each day – it’s a lot more rewarding.

Image reference: EdApp Lesson Pernod

The product launch example is an interesting one, when you think about the way companies launch products at the moment. There will be a launch event and maybe some webinars. And I’m not saying those aren’t important, but what happens if you miss the event? You can go and watch a recording, but that might not happen. You’ve also got to be really mindful about taking the time of your clients to attend an hour-long webinar or to read a long PDF document. Microlearning’s pretty clever in the way that you can link to URLs, so you can give a lot of information in twenty or so pages to keep people engaged, and they can dive deeper with documents and links attached if they need to. People all learn quite differently, and you can cater to that by getting everyone on a baseline first, then linking to additional data. And you can actually track it – if you just hold a webinar, how do you know if people have got what they needed out of it? So I think that’s an untapped market as well, which is an exciting possibility.

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